
Liquidating publicly owned assets in order to consolidate public-sector budgets is one of the most complex tasks faced by corporate finance consultants: in addition to structuring a marketable asset and implementing the transaction while adhering strictly to the regulations governing the award of contracts and cartel legislation, the structure must, in particular, be embedded in the particular existing political environment.

Due to this complexity, the consulting work of Dr. Urbanek Corporate Finance focuses exclusively on the waste water disposal and waste management segments, although other infrastructure areas of business are also taken into account. These are the areas in which we have the greatest in-depth knowledge of the German market for corporate finance consulting.

Early involvement of expert consultants ensures a procedure that complies with award regulations. For this reason, right at the start of talks with potential clients we suggest a suitable team of lawyers and auditors who cover the rapidly evolving regulations governing the award of contracts as well as, for example, the requirements stipulated by public-sector regulatory bodies. If necessary, this team is supplemented by tax consultants (e.g. with respect to value-added tax issues, or solutions such as US cross-border leases) or management consultants (e.g. for carve-outs).